Church and Sacraments (Q&A)

123 Q&A results for: Church and Sacraments

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Missing in Action: Mercy Ministry in Church?

Is it a sin for the church not to care for the sick, handicapped, and elderly in the church?

Topics: Church and SacramentsChristian LivingMissions

Pre-Apostolic Succession ???

How do you defend against our doctrine of Apostolic Succession?

Topics: Church and SacramentsApologeticsBiblical Theology

Should women serve as deaconesses in the church?

Dr. Nally you’ve helped me with numerous other topics in the past. Please assist me on this one. Based upon 1 Tim. 3:11 and Rom. 16:1 should women serve in the office of deacon?

Topics: Pauline EpistlesChurch and SacramentsInterpretation

Hahn's Hersey: The Four Cups?

Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian turned Catholic, states that the fourth cup of the Passover was finished at Calvary and the atonement was not accomplished at Calvary. Is this true?

Topics: Church and SacramentsApologeticsBiblical Theology


I am confused is Paedo-Communion right or wrong?

Topics: Church and SacramentsBiblical Theology

Pinning Down the Regulative Principle

Can you tell me why I shouldn't slaughter a lamb during worship?

Topics: Church and Sacraments

Colossians 2:11-12 and Baptism

Doesn’t Colossians 2:11-12 teach adult only baptism? Besides baptized infants can still be lost!!! So, isn’t the Presbyterian Church wrong?

Topics: Church and SacramentsSalvationBiblical Theology

Can Catholics be Saved?

Can Catholics really be saved even though they have and do so much that is "false doctrine?"

Topics: SalvationChurch and SacramentsApologetics

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