Church History (Q&A)

98 Q&A results for: Church History

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Did Calvin murder Servetus?

Did Calvin murder Servetus?

Topics: ReformationEthics

Are all Protestants going to Hell (Catholic Dogma)?

The Roman Catholic Church says they are the only true church? They say "Outside the Church there is no salvation." So, are all Protestants going to Hell?

Topics: Biblical TheologyApologeticsReformation

Italicized Words?

Why are some of the words in my Bible italicized?

Topics: GodReformationInterpretation

Timeline of Roman Emperors

Who were the Roman Emperors and when did they rule?

Topics: Pre-ChristianEarly ChurchMedieval Church

Who or what were the Lollards, or Lollardy, or Lollardism?

Who or what were the Lollards, or Lollardy, or Lollardism?

Topics: ReformationEvangelismMissions

What is the Zurich Agreement?

What is the Zurich Agreement?

Topics: Reformation

Theological Flowerbeds - D.A.I.S.Y. vs. T.U.L.I.P.

Calvinism's acronym is T.U.L.I.P. Does Arminianism have an acronym?

Topics: Biblical TheologyReformationApologetics

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