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The 1611 KJV is the only true English version of the Bible! All other versions are perversions.
Topics: ApologeticsMissionsChristian Living
Is it a sin for the church not to care for the sick, handicapped, and elderly in the church?
Topics: Church and SacramentsChristian LivingMissions
What is the NT Tithe? How much?
Topics: Biblical TheologyChristian LivingChurch and Sacraments
I'm saved, but how how do I repent of my sins on a regular basis?
Topics: Poetry and WisdomChristian LivingHoly Spirit
Is it ok to look at porn? It’s not called a sin in the Bible.
Topics: Christian LivingBiblical TheologyChrist
20 Most Frequently Asked Bible Questions (Topics)
Topics: Biblical TheologyApologeticsChristian Living
I'm attempting to gather together some commentaries for a Bible Library. Which commentaries would you suggest?
Topics: Pastoral MinistryInterpretationChristian Living
Why don't preachers say more about war and battle in their sermons? Aren't they supposed to preach the entire gospel?
Should Jephthah have broken his vow to the Lord?
Topics: Historical BooksChristian LivingSalt and Light
In one word - yes or no - please state whether or not abortion is murder.
Topics: EthicsChristian LivingApologetics