Christian Living (Q&A)

228 Q&A results for: Christian Living

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KJV-Only, Error of Errors: The 1611 KJV Preface Disagrees with KJO

The 1611 KJV is the only true English version of the Bible! All other versions are perversions.

Topics: ApologeticsMissionsChristian Living

Missing in Action: Mercy Ministry in Church?

Is it a sin for the church not to care for the sick, handicapped, and elderly in the church?

Topics: Church and SacramentsChristian LivingMissions

Lessons on Repentance - Psalm 51

I'm saved, but how how do I repent of my sins on a regular basis?

Topics: Poetry and WisdomChristian LivingHoly Spirit

Pernicious Pornography: A Pulpit and Pew Pandemic

Is it ok to look at porn? It’s not called a sin in the Bible.

Topics: Christian LivingBiblical TheologyChrist

A Recommended Commentary Library

I'm attempting to gather together some commentaries for a Bible Library. Which commentaries would you suggest?

Topics: Pastoral MinistryInterpretationChristian Living

The Art of Gospel Warfare

Why don't preachers say more about war and battle in their sermons? Aren't they supposed to preach the entire gospel?

Topics: Christian LivingBiblical TheologyChrist

Jephthah and Sinful Vows

Should Jephthah have broken his vow to the Lord?

Topics: Historical BooksChristian LivingSalt and Light

Is Abortion Murder?

In one word - yes or no - please state whether or not abortion is murder.

Topics: EthicsChristian LivingApologetics

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