sermons (All Resources)

18 Video results for: sermons

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Discovering Meaning

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-HGB

Focuses on hermeneutical strategies that help reveal the original meaning of Scripture.

From the series: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation, Lesson 6

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Lesson Guide:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Interpretation

The Church

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-APC

A companion video to lesson 5 of the same series that asks the following questions:

  • What is the church?
  • Why is it helpful to consider the church's Old Testament background?
  • How similar were God's purposes for the Old Testament church and the New Testament church?
  • How i......

From the series: The Apostles' Creed, Forum 5

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Table of Contents:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Pastoral MinistryEarly ChurchChurch and Sacraments

The Christ

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-JES

Explores the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

From the series: We Believe in Jesus, Lesson 2

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Lesson Guide:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Christ

733 Article results for: sermons

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The Complete Works of Thomas Manton

Instructor: Thomas Manton

Volume 1—MEMOIRS

Volume 17, Number 2 (1/4/2015, to 1/10/2015)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Christian LivingBiblical Theology

The Worthy Calling

Instructor: D. Marion Clark

Ephesians 4:1

Volume 18, Number 29 (7/10/2016, to 7/16/2016)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Pauline Epistles

Homiletics: The Basics

Instructor: Dr. Billy Sichone

Volume 23, Number 47 (11/14/2021, to 11/20/2021)

Formats: WebpageWordPDF

Topics: Pastoral MinistryBiblical TheologyChurch and Sacraments

31 Q&A results for: sermons

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Introductions and Overviews of the Books of the Bible

Introductions and Overviews of the Books of the Bible

Topics: Biblical TheologyChristian Living

Children's Church

Should churches offer children's church, or should they keep children in the adult worship service?

Topics: Church and Sacraments

The Art of Gospel Warfare

Why don't preachers say more about war and battle in their sermons? Aren't they supposed to preach the entire gospel?

Topics: Christian LivingBiblical TheologyChrist

2 Audio results for: sermons

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Sharing Effective Faith

Instructor: Dr. Ray Heiple Jr

Philemon 1:1-7

From the series: Sermons

Format: mp3 (32-bit)

Topics: General Epistles and Revelation

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

Instructor: Dr. Ray Heiple Jr

Philemon 1:8-14

From the series: Sermons

Format: mp3 (32-bit)

Topics: General Epistles and Revelation

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