mission (All Resources)

45 Video results for: mission

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The Situational Perspective: Pursuing Our Goal

Instructor: Dr. John M. Frame

Focuses on the overarching goal that God has laid before us, namely, the success and triumph of his kingdom as it spreads from heaven to cover the whole earth.

From the series: Making Biblical Decisions, Lesson 6

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Lesson Guide:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Ethics

Paul and his Theology

Instructor: Dr. Reggie Kidd

A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:

  • What details do we know about Paul's background?
  • Did Paul replace the Old Testament with faith in Christ?
  • How has the Reformed tradition viewed the relationship between the Old and New Testamen......

From the series: The Heart of Paul's Theology, Forum 1

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Table of Contents:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Pauline Epistles

Paul and the Thessalonians

Instructor: Dr. Reggie Kidd

A companion video to lesson 3 of the same series that asks the following questions:

  • Did Paul sin by refusing to take John Mark on his second missionary journey?
  • Why did the Holy Spirit prevent Paul from ministering in Asia?
  • What do 1 & 2 Thessalonians teach about the timing of......

From the series: The Heart of Paul's Theology, Forum 3

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Table of Contents:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Pauline Epistles

786 Article results for: mission

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By My Spirit

Instructor: Dr. Meredith Kline

Zechariah 4

Volume 18, Number 15 (4/3/2016, to 4/9/2016)

Format: Webpage

Topics: ProphetsHoly Spirit

A Discourse of God's being the Author of Reconciliation

Instructor: Stephen Charnock

An Article

Volume 17, Number 11 (3/8/2015, to 3/14/2015)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Biblical TheologySalvationGod

Understanding and Embracing God's Grand Mission:

Instructor: Michael Campbell

A Missional People

Volume 21, Number 37 (9/8/2019, to 9/14/2019)

Formats: WebpageWordPDF

Topics: Biblical TheologyMissionsPauline Epistles

61 Q&A results for: mission

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Mate or Mission?

Which comes first, mate or mission?

Topics: Christian Living

Missing in Action: Mercy Ministry in Church?

Is it a sin for the church not to care for the sick, handicapped, and elderly in the church?

Topics: Church and SacramentsChristian LivingMissions

Conviction, Cleansing, Commissioning and A Message (Isa. 6:1-13)

What is Isaiah 6 about? I’ve heard a lot of sermons on the first part of Isaiah 6 but most don’t comment on the later part? What’s God doing?

Topics: ProphetsChristBiblical Theology

49 Audio results for: mission

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Global Christianity; "Missions" & "Missionaries"

Instructor: Dr. Nelson Jennings

What is Isaiah 6 about? I’ve heard a lot of sermons on the first part of Isaiah 6 but most don’t comment on the later part? What’s God doing?

From the series: God's World Mission

Format: mp3 (16-bit)

Topics: Missions

Obstacles to Mission

Instructor: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

1 Corinthians 9

From the series: Our Mission

Format: mp3 (16-bit)

Topics: Missions

Power for Mission

Instructor: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

1 Corinthians 9

From the series: Our Mission

Format: mp3 (16-bit)

Topics: Missions

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