Calls to Worship: Contemporary
The call of freedom has been resounded
Leader: | |
Jesus our Lord is risen.
All: | |
Lord, may we experience
the power of your resurrection
And live by it.
Leader: | |
The call of freedom
Has been sounded.
All: | |
Lord, may we respond
As the community of the free.
Leader: | |
It concerns every one of us personally,
In our place, in our humanity,
In this world of our.
All: | |
Lord, may the spirit and gift of your freedom
Break the spell of our fears and send us away
Obedient rebels, lovers of life’s depths,
And your disciples for ever. Amen.
Good news for celebration
Leader: | |
The work of the Creator is visible.
All: | |
Let us respond with praise.
Leader: | |
The example of Jesus is apparent.
All: | |
Let us respond with obedience.
Leader: | |
The wind of the Spirit is blowing
All: | |
Let us respond with joy.
Leader: | |
The word of God is calling.
All: | |
Let us worship in spirit and in truth.
(Taken from Be Our Freedom, Lord, prepared and edited by Terry C. Falla) |
Leader: | |
Gather us in, Mysterious Maker God.
All: | |
That being close to you we will understand your intention for creation.
Leader: | |
Weave us into one, Sweet Savior of All.
All: | |
That living your ways we will create communities of faith and peace.
Leader: | |
Gather us in, Powerful Spirit of Renewal.
All: | |
That treasuring the past we will boldly shape the future.
Leader: | |
Weave us into one, Holy One in Three.
All: | |
That women and men together may be the signs of your presence, the weavers of your communities and the witnesses to your coming. Gather us in this day so that we might gather strength from You. Amen.
Leader: | |
Here we are Lord, Your creatures standing before You.
All: | |
Gathered together to praise You and worship You.
Leader: | |
This is Your day Father and we thank you for giving this day to all of us.
All: | |
Help us to always remember that each day is a blessing and a gift from You for we are not owed anything from You.
Leader: | |
Be with us in our midst and let us feel Your breath upon our faces.
All: | |
And hold us close to You each day of our lives. Amen.
Leader: | |
We gather on a day like any other day.
All: | |
We gather on a day unlike any other day.
Leader: | |
Come, brothers and sisters in Christ, touch and feel and taste and smell the sacred in this day.
All: | |
For this is the day which our Creator God has made; Let us rejoice and be oh, so glad, in it!
Our Father, to whom belongs our adoration and praise, we ask that you will prepare us, through the presence of your Spirit, to come before you worthily and to ask of you rightly. May all who worship with us this day present their bodies as living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to you. Shed your light on our human understanding, cleanse our desires and motives, stir our wills to obedience to your Word. Direct that your name might be exalted this hour in this assembly. May our worship glorify you, through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.
Paul E. Engle, Baker’s Worship Handbook, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998 |
God of grace, you have given us minds to know you, hearts to love you and voices to sing your praise. Fill us with your Spirit that we may celebrate your glory and worship you in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Worship, Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993 |
Minister: | |
Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
People: | |
He remembers his covenant forever; the word he commanded, for a
thousand generations.
Minister: | |
Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
People: | |
That they might keep his precepts and observe his laws. Praise the
Psalter Hymnal, Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1987 |
Men: | |
Lord, our Lord, in all the earth
How excellent Your name!
You above the heav’ns have set
The splendor of Your fame.
Women: | |
From the mouths of infants young
You the power of praise compose
In the face of enemies
To stop avenging foes.
Men: | |
When I view the skies above
Which Your own fingers made,
When I see the moon and stars
Which You in order laid,
Women: | |
What is man so frail and weak
That You should remember him?
What can be the son of man
That you should care for him?
Minister: | |
Next to God You have made man,
With light and honor crowned.
You placed him above Your works;
Beneath him all is found:
People: | |
Oxen, sheep, and all wild beasts,
Girds, and fish the oceans claim.
Lord, our Lord, in all the earth
How excellent Your name!
Trinity Psalter, Pittsburgh: Crown & Covenant Publications, 1994 |
Father we worship You,
Through Your beloved Son;
And, by the Spirit, now draw near
Before Your holy throne.
We bless You Thou art light,
Righteous and true art Thou;
Holy, reverend is your name,
Our hearts before you Bow.
We bless You Thou art Love,
How vast that matchless grace,
Whose breadth and length and height and depth
No finite mind can trace.
We bless You most of all
For Him who You unveiled;
Whose precious blood redemption brought.
And thus Your heart revealed.
For what You art, we praise
And worship and adore;
To Father, Son and Spirit be
The glory evermore!
Alfred Gibbs, Worship, Kansas City: Walterick Publishers, |