Got a Question about Christianity, the Bible, or theology? Professors, pastors and theologians are here to help.
After Moses broke the first set of the Ten Commandments, who wrote the second set? An atheist told me that Moses did (Ex. 34:27-28), but elsewhere it says God did (Deut. 10:1-4). So is the Bible contradictory?
Topics: PentateuchManBiblical Theology
Is it right to call Hebrews an epistle? How is the literary form of Hebrews similar to and different from other New Testament epistles?
Topics: General Epistles and Revelation
Islam claims that Muhammad is the Messenger of Isaiah 42. Is this true?
Topics: ProphetsChristApologetics
In Islam one prays bending their faces to the ground. Did Jesus follow and teach the Islamic method of praying?
Did it rain before Noah's Flood?
Based upon 1 Samuel 18:1-4, was David a homosexual?
Did Jesus cast the demons from two men or one man into the swine?
Topics: Gospels and Acts
How is the theme of Israel’s land inheritance fulfilled in Christ?
Topics: ChristBiblical Theology
Many Christians believe the Father is an angry God who hates us, and the Son, a loving God who saves us from his angry Father. Is this true?
How did Christ fulfill the theme of warfare against evil in his first coming?